Thursday, September 7, 2017

3D II : Artist that I like

Week 5

My lecturer introduced an artist to us in class, Yusof Gajah. He is a local painter. But he also write and illustrate books for children. He even won the National Book Council Award for best picture book and the Noma Concours (ACCU) award for best illustrations.
He paints a lot elephants.
His complex elephant art actually show his philosophy. He relates those values to human life.

I also have an artist that I like, Jun Chiu, a Taiwanese artist.
JUN CHIU Illustration - FB
JUN CHIU Illustration - Tumblr

Actually I'm not sure is a he/she...But the main point is his/her works is awesome!
Source :
I really like the way she uses colour and lighting to tell story in a drawing. She also draw character concept art and comics. Without script, we can still understand what she wants show us in the story. The power of picture.

The comics that I like the most is Crop Circles and MEDUSA.
麥田圈 Crop Circles

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