Wednesday, June 14, 2017

3D II : Assignment 1 Update - walk cycle

Week 1

In this semester, I continue my 3D class for further studies and learn the new techniques about 3D animation. (3D I class more about modeling.)

The lecturer assigned us to animate a 30 s walk cycle out from the biped system in 3ds max. As we are not so familiar with the biped system yet, we need to look for walk cycle references to imitate the pose and action of the character.

I found a lot of references on Youtube. There are several kind of walking style such as happy walking style, sad walking style, tired walking style and etc. Male and female have different walking style. Sometimes, the character's outlook or personality also will affect their walking style.

Female walk cycle
Source :
Sneak walk cycle
Source :
I look for example that contain different views so I can see the pose of the character more clearer.
Finally, I decide to choose three style walk cycle that I want to do which are sad walk cycle, sneak walk cycle and joyful walk cycle.

Sad walk cycle

Sneak walk cycle (picture shown above)

Joyful walk cycle (time 0:30 - 0.35s)

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