Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Update 3D Asgn 1 : Bouncing Ball Part 1

References & Inspiration

I watched some videos from Youtube first before I work on my storyboard so that I get some inspiration.

Screenshots from Youtube video. Links as shown as below :

Sketches & Storyboard

Then, I start to work on my storyboard. I sketch out the block shape that my bouncing ball will be jumping on. I roughly count the number of boxes that occupied so that it will be easier for me to extrude when I do in 3ds max. Besides, I also estimate the route of ball so that I can arrange the movement of ball and make the whole process in 30s.

Storyboard (Part 1)

Storyboard (Part 2)

The concept of my design is the journey of the ball to clear mission by passing by the whole block. Inspired by Mario.

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